Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On college graduations.

So this past weekend, I went back home to the 757 to attend my younger brother's college graduation. He went to Norfolk State and majored in mass communications.

We got there early, because we know that graduations usually get packed out extremely quickly. It was worse, as well, because the ceremony was moved to the basketball stadium due to the weather.

So we had to sit on the bleachers, packed like sardines, rather warm. OK, no big deal.

So the ceremony was long, since they were graduating everyone. OK, no big deal.

But what tore it for my family was the seemingly LARGE number of people shouting at inopportune times throughout almost the whole thing.

I mean... "Welcome, friends and family--" "KEISHAAAAA!" "... please stand for the National Anth--" "CHANTEEEEEEEEE!" You could almost set your watch by it.

It would have been ok, I guess, if all of the name-shouting had taken place as people were actually walking across the stage. But someone was calling for their baby at the beginning, before either National Anthem, before the prayer, during the introduction of Gov. Kaine as the guest speaker, during the induction of the recent graduates into the alumni association... pretty much throughout the whole thing.

I just have to ask... why is it that you can't take some of us anywhere?

1 comment:

Jarrett said...

Lol I just happened to stumble upon this blog. I totally agree. My precious NSU already gets a bad wrap and those families didn't help. Definitely would have been different if it would have been in Dick Price Stadium like it was planned, but grown people should know how to act regardless.